on a quest!
wells... or if u want to be a hardcore.. wellz...
im on a quest, to work out, who are better...
the ladies or the gentlemen? which is the superior? which comes up with the Goods when the pressue is on? Which is, on a generalised front, across all cultures of all generations, greater?
ohhh! i so want to know! Please give ur opinions! uno u want too....
the ladies? or the gents? hrmmssss or if u want to be hardcore... hrmmmzzzzz
im on a quest, to work out, who are better...
the ladies or the gentlemen? which is the superior? which comes up with the Goods when the pressue is on? Which is, on a generalised front, across all cultures of all generations, greater?
ohhh! i so want to know! Please give ur opinions! uno u want too....
the ladies? or the gents? hrmmssss or if u want to be hardcore... hrmmmzzzzz
boys dont have pms or have babies... so surely they are more emotionally stable.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:04 AM
Boys dont have PMS or have babies BECAUSE they are emotionally unstable...
And besides...the anatomy of the male body makes them physically incapable of having babies...
unless they were to like, spew them out or something...
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:15 PM
i think chicks.. and guys get IMS( irratable male syndrome .. isn't that right sam?) yeh true chicks have babies that what makes them stronger...i also reckon that chicks have the capability to wrap guys round their fingers..guys can too but chicks do it better.. haha ah well.. thats my train fo thought... and it just ran of the tracks...
Posted by
Shen |
5:40 PM
haha evil dougie opening up that subject! im biased towards guys cos i am a guy, but i think guys+girls complement each other well.. nice copout answer i know.. but i don't wanna talk about how stuffed up each of the sexes are in terms of identity!
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:11 PM
well david douglas goode....dear, in this day and age, boys COME from girls so i would assume that the more superior sex would be the female.....Most guys have the emotional capacity of two year olds which ALSO makes females the more dominant species and we could chat about this all day but i think iv said all i need to to convince you that GIRLS ARE COOLER THAN GUYS!!! love you tho dave xox Rach on behalf of megan :D
Posted by
meegsy |
6:25 PM
hahah rach, thats hilarious! i dunnoe man... thats a big generalistaion about guys having an emotional capacity of a 2 year old. so ill put forward this comment, if boys have the emotional capacity of a 2 year old then ladies have an emotional capacity of a 1 year old.
Posted by
daviddouglas. |
6:39 PM
No no no...
False statement there mr. souvlaki-kebab-fried-chicken
Guys tend to bottle up all there emotions whereas girls just hand it to ya on a silver platter. Therefore comes a time where that bottle has ta give and BOOM...0 - 100 in 2 seconds, they'll blow up over something totally not worth it, like a footy match or having too much gravy on their dinner or something equally worthless.
CLEARLY girls are the more emotionally stable...they don't NEED an age to define their emotional capacity.
Harharhar :p
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:45 PM
wellz... another big claim from the ladies. I donnoe man. I think the whole bottled up argument is pretty weak. I think cultures have a big part to play with that. Some cultures encourage feelings to be let out on the table; others encourage them to be bottled up. I kno plenty of girls that just pop after several years of emotional beating...
oh and hey... Mood rings, the song by relient K... is about WHICH SEX?
Posted by
daviddouglas. |
9:03 PM
because apart from all the baby stuff, girls know how to deal with their emotions and stuff! However, girls do tend to sook about things for longer and hold grudges for agesssss. But then again boys cant talk about certain stuff and girls are generally able to relate n talk about anything ... i dunno i can't say anymore, both sexes have equal arguments!
But just to be biased lol, i'll have to go with the girls!
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:11 PM
Lets see… it depends on which girl and guy doesn’t it? Genralisations are plerrkh
So example the individual dave and the individual annie… girls are clearly superior =]
mood rings is a weak claim dave. wellz i think you need to define superiority anyway. but yaah benman ill ride your commment too.
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:44 PM
silly fencesitting!
I think u can make generalisations... u just gotta be careful your claims arent too great.
thats the whole point of this post. On a general point... which sex is greater, in every area of life...
Posted by
daviddouglas. |
8:58 AM
i reckon there's plenty of manbashing to be had..
no sex is greater in every area of life. guys can't (for example) be better at getting a great connection to their kids than their mother simply because of physiological reasons (the actual birth and then breastfeeding and all that), and the same goes with women not being able to do some things that men are better at. (i'd give examples but im sure someone will try and shoot me down hehe). so out of every area in life, no sex is greater. name an area in life davo and we'll give it a crack.
oh i have so much more to say but a fencesitter i will try to remain.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:51 AM
mood rings?!!?
thats pathetic!! lol :p
a mood ring is this little metal or plastic ring (duuh) that changes colour according to body temperature...if guys need girls to wear a tacky piece of jewellery to understand females, it's just proving how thick guys are...
lol...bringing this argument down to a song is very very sad davo
I still stand by what I said in my previous points...
this blog is very amusing hahaha
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:18 PM
dougie i've had to re-write this thing about 4 times cos i'm either coming across as too harsh or getting too involved. i reckon ppl need to see davo as more of an oversight to this conversation rather than as a debater for the guys. so im not really into the whole bashin what ppl are saying. men are from mars women are from venus. i've always wondered why the heck we all can't understand each other, it seems easy in my head, but i'm always surprised by both my gender and the ladies. would you agree my brutha david?
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:10 PM
thats rite benno...
To sarah... i only said that, not cause i think that mood rings work, but more to the point that relient K think girls are more emotionally unstable... thats all.
Hey im on a quest to kno whos the greater sex. Yes, they compliment each other, but across all aspects of life, thats all, which comes up greater u reckon?
Perhaps lets just focus on people in our western society... the western world.
Lets debate emotionally... Whos superior emotionally?
Posted by
daviddouglas. |
12:06 AM
I was only kidding, but that was kinda harsh of me...
Sorry dude.
Emotionally...mmm...thats a toughie, cos while girls will have a sook more often than the males, males do have a higher suicide rate.
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:16 PM
this is so subjective david. how can you claim that something is superior when the something, ie the emotional capacity/stability/honesty etc of one sex to the other is dependent on the person recieving that emotional honesty or the admirer of their strenght through circumstance and stuff? you can't. for, one person may find emotional honesty or transparency way too confronting and thus find, say the chick who is unleashing this to be a whinge and therefore inferior to their standards. yet that 'whinging' chick should find that person recieving her 'emotions' as inferior to herself because they are closed and unable to discern or understand the complexities or simplicities of what she has been conveying... ahhh
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:45 AM
thought i'd say it again: i reckon ppl need to see davo as more of an oversight to this conversation rather than as a debater for the guys.
oh and sarz while guys have a higher suicide rate, it's a higher 'completed' suicide rate, as compared to the 'attempted' suicide rate. girls will attempt a lot more, but because they use less violent and final means they don't end up suiciding.. attempts are like 3 times the number by girls, where as the completions are 3 times the number by guys
good point from anon about subjectivity though
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:12 AM
yeh of course i think that this is very subjective... i guess im just stirring abit of contro-versy... hahaha...
But very good points from miss anon.. it is highly subjective, and u cant really generalise on a massive front to which im asking, really im just stirring hehehe..
i couldnt resist.
next post will be a more 'debatable topic'
and yes agreed ben, i was gonna say the same thing, girls attempt alot more than the fellas.
Posted by
daviddouglas. |
11:34 PM
seriously my dear david goode..
do u have nothing better to do with your time?
you know as well as i that this is a useless discussion, because it will beat around the bush forever. and ever. and ever.
haha see you at my birthday!
luv chara
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:20 AM
hmm yes dave.. it's kinda of.. well.. " shit stirrin" thats the exact words to describe this topic... but oh well.. i already contributed to it.. you have too many female friends commenting.. and yeh.. so this would probably be very biased.. ah well... till the next conversation...
Posted by
Shen |
5:46 PM
lol. i see alot of chicks commenting. but all in all. n u noe this. guys are better. period. hahaha :P im so not helping.
Posted by
samuelerics |
5:50 PM
that anonymous option is rather an easy accidentle slip of the finger. =]
a more debatable topic? exciting... perhaps
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:18 PM
most probably girls, because girls have survived years of tyranny from the boys.
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:25 PM
Suicide is a touchy subject. I've had friends and family attempt and fail and attempt and succeed.
Its got nothing to do with gender.
Nothing at all.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:12 PM
perfectionism is a lie... cool name lah
and annonymous? another slip of the finger?
Posted by
daviddouglas. |
11:15 AM
dave.. u said 'lah'. Lah as in the asian lah?
Posted by
samuelerics |
7:00 PM
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Posted by
hungry |
11:08 PM
WHO FLIPPIN CARES?! "the ladies or the gentlemen"... WE ALL HAVE THE SAME EGO.
DEF OF EGO: an exaggerated sense of your own importance and a feeling of superiority to other people
Posted by
hungry |
11:10 PM
a slip of the finger. negative. deliberate action. positive. too many anonymous' here.
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:20 PM
yah she means 'affirmative' not 'positive'...
btw - i like that hungry
Posted by
Anonymous |
7:02 PM
thats rite sam... Asain lah... At the camp i was at the last 3 days, i was with some malays who were teaching me how to speak malaysian english. was fun!
oh and hungry, maybe we dont have the same egos ;) maybe Girls have bigger one that guys
Posted by
daviddouglas. |
8:57 PM
than guys i mean lol
Posted by
daviddouglas. |
8:58 PM
Malays are intereting. Were they Malay, or like Chinese Malaysian...
Anyway, far off the topic, i suppose my last comment ended our little chat about suicide? I see no replies....
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:38 PM
Its hard to base it on an individuals circumstance (no offence). In terms of statistics it's got everything to do with gender, as they give a general overview of the population (ie overall girls will attempt more, guys will succeed more and yadiyada).
But yes this is going off topic...lol dave i think its time to write a new blog.
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:56 PM
Tell me about it. This issue is getting way too annoying.
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:43 PM
hehehe... maybe i should disable the "anonymous" option... to many unknowns lol
Posted by
daviddouglas. |
3:56 PM
boy you have way too much time on your hands. you always seem to going around stirring up people. is it just for your own amusement? because if it is than i think that we all know who the sadder sex is....hmmm....some reasonable arguments thus far. nothing much to contribute other than human beings have far too many variables to generalise any real thoughts upon. ultimately all generalisations will have a case which can refute it. to which i say, meh! and yet we just can't help ourselves....
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:27 PM
word up to annonymous! (the previous one)
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:28 PM
lol ok
Posted by
daviddouglas. |
12:25 AM
even if you did disable the anonymous option...its just as easy to write in the 'other'option.
And if you disabled that, then hardly anyone would be able to comment.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:26 AM
"boy you have way too much time on your hands. you always seem to going around stirring up people. is it just for your own amusement?"
bit harsh there mr/mrs anonymous. if we weren't stirred up sometimes we'd never know whats really ticking inside someone. a persons character is well revealed in an argument. and for the record, david does not 'always' seem to be stirring people up, but is a man full of love, and yet has made quite the point.
'because if it is than i think that we all know who the sadder sex is....hmmm....'
'DEF OF EGO: an exaggerated sense of your own importance and a feeling of superiority to other people'
sorry to point it out, but back off if you can't keep a level head about this. the anonymous option.. geez..
ben - here to support dougie.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:43 AM
this is all getting a bit outta hand.
a new topic perhaps?
doujie do one on free public transport - should we have it etc..
its my media issues topic for english ;) ..haha i need some ideas lol.
class finished an hour early, and i cant be stuffed telling the taxi..throws their whole schedule outta whack hehe. sooo im just sitting in the library filling in time...mmmhmmmhmmm
ave a good one =]
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:22 PM
Hey David and guys.
Interesting little conversation. It's one that I have had many times..
I love it.
Although it's a little boring when someone comes out with the cliche 'oh we all have strengths and weaknesses.'
Oh come on!! Throw off your crowd pleasing ways and explore one of the greatest (and easiest) questions of all time!
Let's get the other tired comments out of the way.
1. "Men come from women therefore women are superior." Well, the Bible clearly states that women came from man. Since then it has been cyclical, so we if accept that kind of argument, we must agree that man is superior.
2. "Women can multi task." So can men... Our motor ability has the same basic design.
3. "Women have babies." Men make babies.
4. "Women are more mature." This has got to be a myth. HAS to be. Anyone who spends 20 minutes in a classroom knows that some girls and guys are immature, and that some girls and guys are mature.
I think last years Lighthouse year 12 is a perfect example.
Now consider WHY God designated women to have babies.
Obviously he would choose the one that society can live without for a while. Ie. Men are vital women are not.
And my last point.
Men are better at women in everything besides Ballet. Even the things that women do more, men are better. 3 prime examples :
1) Netball (in mixed netball there is no maximum of women, but a maximum of guys. Why..?)
2) Cooking (all the best chefs in the world, male.)
3) Talking. (all the best public speakers in history are male.)
Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.
Posted by
matjnewton |
4:33 PM
That previous post can be titled
"Devastating logic."
Posted by
matjnewton |
4:34 PM
I agree that men seem to be better at a lot more things than girls, ie how men dominate practically all areas of life and top jobs. But historically women have been oppressed to the point where their 'skills' are unable to develop adequately or they are not given the chance to (women rights crushed). I should really be saying that GIRLS RULE (because we do) but I think men do better generally.
Posted by
ladybeetle |
7:18 PM
I ALSO THINK that it is more fun to be a girl in the 21st century because you get to dress up and play with dolls.
BUT. that was slightly irrelevant.
Posted by
ladybeetle |
9:25 PM
there's a reason why women have been oppressed over the centuries. men are better therefore they oppress. simple.
men also have bigger muscles. whoever said having less muscle was a good thing? therefore men are better. simple.
men are taller. being short is bad. very bad. ever tried reaching the top shelf of anything. tall is good. short is bad. men are tall. women are short. therefore men are better than women. simple.
men are funnier. women are not. men are better. simple.
men can fix things. women can't. what would women do if there wasn't a man to fix all the stuff they break. men fix stuff. women break stuff. men are better. simple.
men have facial hair. they can choose- hair or no hair. men have choice. therefore men are better. simple.
men DON'T get pregnant. therefore men are better. simple.
men don't get emotional and blow things out of proportion. women do. therefore men are better. simple.
men are superior. simple.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:57 PM
i dont care if u like men better than women (oops, did that sound slightly strange implying....*Oh!*)
Mat, i thought u were quite well said...for a while.
I think Men are superior in society...
(doesnt mean its right... :) )
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:49 PM
'men also have bigger muscles. whoever said having less muscle was a good thing?' - who said not having them was a bad thing...
'men are taller. being short is bad.' - subjective. lol. thats why stools/stepladders have been invented pete. all about adapting (and, there are many tall women out there.)
'men are funnier. women are not.' - subjective and only based on opinion.
'men can fix things' - so can women. if there werent any women you would all be starkers hehehe.
'men have facial hair' - ummm sooo? (women can have sideburns...) lol.
'men DON'T get pregnant' - see comment 2 & 5. if eve didnt pop out some kids, the human race would have died out long ago.
'men don't get emotional and blow things out of proportion' - suuuuubjective! again, depends on the individual and circumstance.
yaaay for being the 50th post!
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:23 AM
''men also have bigger muscles. whoever said having less muscle was a good thing?' - who said not having them was a bad thing...'
correction: who said having less muscle was a bad thing...
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:59 PM
time to summarise david.
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:35 PM
"men have facial hair. they can choose- hair or no hair. men have choice. therefore men are better. simple."
I just gotta say....that is the dumbest thing ever. EVA. and EVA!!! Seriously, think about how much it would suck to have to shave everday. Or look like a monkey. ugh
"men are superior. simple." ur momma is superior. she's a female. simple
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:34 AM
update time...
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:24 PM
hey Dave!
this is an easy one. the gents of course. lol.
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:50 AM