well that was a rather interesting post. Conclusion? hrmmm... do i have one, thats the question. Maybe i could come to the conclusion of who had the most persuasive and compelling comment. There were 3 categories.
Those that argued the males
those that sat on the fence in teh middle... [barb wired mind you]
and those that argued the females side.
Some stand out comments
"Women have babies." Men make babies." - mat
"Now consider WHY God designated women to have babies.
Obviously he would choose the one that society can live without for a while. Ie. Men are vital women are not." - mat
"I ALSO THINK that it is more fun to be a girl in the 21st century because you get to dress up and play with dolls." - ladybeetle
""men have facial hair. they can choose- hair or no hair. men have choice. therefore men are better. simple."
I just gotta say....that is the dumbest thing ever. EVA. and EVA!!! Seriously, think about how much it would suck to have to shave everday. Or look like a monkey. ugh" - Davi
"there's a reason why women have been oppressed over the centuries. men are better therefore they oppress. simple." - Pete
"I think Men are superior in society...
(doesnt mean its right... :) )" - *perfectionism is a lie*
well... many comments... ill let you decide, as i have no authority to say what the conclusion is... pity that.
Those that argued the males
those that sat on the fence in teh middle... [barb wired mind you]
and those that argued the females side.
Some stand out comments
"Women have babies." Men make babies." - mat
"Now consider WHY God designated women to have babies.
Obviously he would choose the one that society can live without for a while. Ie. Men are vital women are not." - mat
"I ALSO THINK that it is more fun to be a girl in the 21st century because you get to dress up and play with dolls." - ladybeetle
""men have facial hair. they can choose- hair or no hair. men have choice. therefore men are better. simple."
I just gotta say....that is the dumbest thing ever. EVA. and EVA!!! Seriously, think about how much it would suck to have to shave everday. Or look like a monkey. ugh" - Davi
"there's a reason why women have been oppressed over the centuries. men are better therefore they oppress. simple." - Pete
"I think Men are superior in society...
(doesnt mean its right... :) )" - *perfectionism is a lie*
well... many comments... ill let you decide, as i have no authority to say what the conclusion is... pity that.
i'm so glad that mumbo jumbo's ended.
now the world can move on....
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:28 PM
hahaha mumbo jumbo?
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:07 PM
SOS, what do you think about chemistry? (the subject, not the love kind). I need your help!!!! I have to write an intro about the subject that will hopefully encourage and inform young students to take this on for VCE. I don't care if you know diddly-squat about chemistry, just give me some 'goode' advice. Get back to me ASAP.
From your beautiful, lovely, drop dead gorgeous friend (and the love of your life), KIM.
P.S. CHOP CHOP, get to work!
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:22 AM
hahaha... chemistry? Kim.. how many times have i told you that i hate chemistry... if i was to do anything i would discourage people from doin it..
lol, but cause im so gracious ill see...
I dunnoe, its a big pre-req for heaps of courses so its good to have so it keeps ur options open to what courses can be done
ive heard from lots of people in uni, that they learn chem stuff in all sorts of degree's... even forest management! so if u kno basics... it mite be able to help you... ummm
i didnt do it kim! hahaha, so why shuld i know?
Posted by
daviddouglas. |
4:50 PM