Friday, June 30, 2006 

Colleen never lies.

dave. - says:
ur such a poo
ur urine

Wednesday, June 28, 2006 

and he said to her...

We never really got to know each other. The exact day, or year, of when we met is unknown and always seems to be argued.
A space of silence made its voice evident for far too long. Nothing was really said till msn was discovered. Even then, with msn at our side, we made little effort to venture into our friendship. Time flew by and i got to know your friends better than you.
There was never any chance for face to face meeting. Geographical distance always made that void a continual reality. Wondering always whether such a distance was the cause of the expanse that existed between us.
Then one day, unknown to my memory, we started to talk more and more on the net. We opened up, and got to know each other. We got to see glimpses of our broken selves, as well as having those oh-so-necessary superficial conversations. Sometimes the raw, uncut versions of us were hard to reveal on such an easy engine of disguise. Uncut or over-edited, our time spent together talking has been amazing. I thank God for every minute of it.



How asian am i?

haha i found this quiz on the net... so why not try it?

How Asian are you?
Put an "X" where it applies.

[ ] Are you asian in the first place?
[ ] Were you born in an asian country?
[ ] Do YoU tYpE lIkE tHiS aLoT?
[ ] Do you eat rice almost every single day?
[ ] Can you use chopsticks?
[ ] Have u taken chinese/krn/etc school as a kid?
[x] Can you speak an asian language?
[ ] Do you spike(guys)/highlight(girls) your hair?
[ ] Do you have an "asian crew"?
[ ] Do you get at least a 3.0 gpa? (thats straight a's in america)
Total: 1

[ ] Are you or were you once a fob?
[x] Have you designed a website b4?
[ ] Do you know the song "got rice?"
[x] Have you dated/want to date asian girls/boys?
[ ] Do your sns/email have the words: azn, gurl, boy, sweet, cute, hot, dragon, babe, angel, lil, princess, Xx...xX, oO..,Oo, etc?
[ ] Is your last name lee, chang, wang, wong, kim, chow, yu, xiao or park?
[ ] Do you take off your shoes before entering someone's house?
[x] You have both an asian and an english name
[x] Do you watch anime?
[ ] Do you listen to techno?
Total: 4

[x] Do you listen to asian music?
[x] Have you watched asian movies?
[ ] Can you rave?
[ ] Do you drink pearl milk tea or bubble tea?
[x] Do u play counterstrike, starcraft, warcraft, diablo, etc?
[ ] Are you a master at DDR?
[x] Can you play the piano or violin?
[ ] Do your parents beat you if you get bad grades?
[ ] Are you taking any honors classes?
[x] Do you/your parents drive an asian car?
Total: 5

[ ] Are you a very good artist?
[x] Do you speak ur asian language w/ ur friends?
[ ] Do your relatives own a restaurant/market in an asian community?
[x] Do you slurp soup?
[ ] Do you have small eyes?
[x haha] Have you visited your home country at least twice?
[ ] Does your house smell like incents once in awhile?
[x] Do you have/had glasses or braces?
[x] Do you like to read?
[ ] Do you NOT have an allowance?
Total: 5

[x] Have you eaten dim sum/dumplings before?
[ ] Are your parents fobs?
[ ] Do you have tons of cousins/siblings/uncles/aunts/etc?
[ ] Can you twirl a pencil between your fingers?
[ ] Have you ever solved a rubik's cube?
[x] Do you read manga?
[ ] Is the mall your hang out place?
[ ] Do you think u r short?
[ ] Do you/your parents save ketchup pckts/napkins/etc from restaurants for "later use"?
[ ] Do you have AzN PrIdE?!

Now add up all your answers and multiple by 2.

34% ASIAN! woohooO! im not asian at all... so take that suckers.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006 

the ugly bride

Evangelical rationalists, on one hand, seek to substitute the Word for the Spirit. "Charismaniacs", on the other, credit the Spirit for bizarre teachings that have no relation to scripture. Do we ever quit repeating the mistakes of history?
Larry d. Hart