hey everyone!
well... my first real contact with all you guys, apart from my little group messages that i sent out. Sorry if i forgot to send you a msg, just hard when there is so much stuff going on. plus when u send a message 40 times thats 2 messages long overseas, it isnt the cheapest thing... hehe.
yeh yeh i kno, im pov. ahh well.
Well, its been about a week and a half since i left, and its been incredible! The order has been like this. Bangkok for about a day, then nongkai, which is north east thailand for 4 days, and now laos for about a week. Im now in a place called Luang Prabang, which is central laos. Its a really nice place, abit of an unknown treasure if u ask me. I havent been sick at all, which has just been so good. Thanks for all the prayers, i can really feel them.
its hard to kind of summarise everything that we/ive done since i left home. In nongkai we helped out with the local church there, serving the pastors and the church, doing watever we could. That was awesome. The church there is just crazy. Crazy because they really just rely on Gods strength, and u can see God working in and through them all. they have a clinic at the church which serves the community, they supply jobs by making bricks, and they provide homes for students that are studying in the area. Its really beautiful, the way they just give out. Challenged me alot.
In Laos we have just been running clinics with different organisations. Clinics meaning we have been helping them with skills, like megan taught guitar and jaida helped with conflict resolution. i helped out in the kitchen. would u believe it? haha... was rad fun tho, taught them how to make scones which was cool.
Today we drove from the capital vietiane to luang prabang. that was a full on drive. Full on because it was thru all these hills, but more full on cause i saw poverty in just a whole new way. laos is one of the poorest countries in the world, the poorest asian country. I saw children, 4-5 years old, blank faced, picking up bamboo, obviously working far too long. U could tell they were so malnourished. You need to know these things sometimes. You need this kind of perspective, otherwise u end up living in a bubble, which only has room for yourself.
its hard to explain, u kinda have to see it.
Well hope all u guys are well. Want to send me some SMS love but dont have my number? Well, now u can :)
hope all you guys have been well. Still got more than a month over here, which is a pretty crazy thought hehe.
TALK soon!
well... my first real contact with all you guys, apart from my little group messages that i sent out. Sorry if i forgot to send you a msg, just hard when there is so much stuff going on. plus when u send a message 40 times thats 2 messages long overseas, it isnt the cheapest thing... hehe.
yeh yeh i kno, im pov. ahh well.
Well, its been about a week and a half since i left, and its been incredible! The order has been like this. Bangkok for about a day, then nongkai, which is north east thailand for 4 days, and now laos for about a week. Im now in a place called Luang Prabang, which is central laos. Its a really nice place, abit of an unknown treasure if u ask me. I havent been sick at all, which has just been so good. Thanks for all the prayers, i can really feel them.
its hard to kind of summarise everything that we/ive done since i left home. In nongkai we helped out with the local church there, serving the pastors and the church, doing watever we could. That was awesome. The church there is just crazy. Crazy because they really just rely on Gods strength, and u can see God working in and through them all. they have a clinic at the church which serves the community, they supply jobs by making bricks, and they provide homes for students that are studying in the area. Its really beautiful, the way they just give out. Challenged me alot.
In Laos we have just been running clinics with different organisations. Clinics meaning we have been helping them with skills, like megan taught guitar and jaida helped with conflict resolution. i helped out in the kitchen. would u believe it? haha... was rad fun tho, taught them how to make scones which was cool.
Today we drove from the capital vietiane to luang prabang. that was a full on drive. Full on because it was thru all these hills, but more full on cause i saw poverty in just a whole new way. laos is one of the poorest countries in the world, the poorest asian country. I saw children, 4-5 years old, blank faced, picking up bamboo, obviously working far too long. U could tell they were so malnourished. You need to know these things sometimes. You need this kind of perspective, otherwise u end up living in a bubble, which only has room for yourself.
its hard to explain, u kinda have to see it.
Well hope all u guys are well. Want to send me some SMS love but dont have my number? Well, now u can :)
hope all you guys have been well. Still got more than a month over here, which is a pretty crazy thought hehe.
TALK soon!
Hi Dave,
Great blog (as always mate). That poverty sounds terrible! I am sure it continue to recontextulise your thinking in a big way.
Miss you!
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:54 PM
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:44 PM