Snowbirds And Townies - Further Seems Forever
well 17 hits the spot for my emo bone. This song i guess introduced me to the whole genre, and beacuse of that, its special. Also cause obviously its a good song. Dashboard Confessional is your staple emo band, and the Lead Singer, Chris Carrabba, was the lead singer for Further at the time. Now they have a new vocalist, so you wont get the same sound. I was a fan of Dashboard, but now i think he whines too much. The song is off The Moon is Down, which is yea, an ok album. Im not a huge fan of Further, but this song is sweet. It has been played 70 times, being the 89th most played song on my computer.
well 17 hits the spot for my emo bone. This song i guess introduced me to the whole genre, and beacuse of that, its special. Also cause obviously its a good song. Dashboard Confessional is your staple emo band, and the Lead Singer, Chris Carrabba, was the lead singer for Further at the time. Now they have a new vocalist, so you wont get the same sound. I was a fan of Dashboard, but now i think he whines too much. The song is off The Moon is Down, which is yea, an ok album. Im not a huge fan of Further, but this song is sweet. It has been played 70 times, being the 89th most played song on my computer.
good song that
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:14 PM
2nd to new years project for me..
but yeah great song anyway. those 2 are the strongest tracks on the moon is down album. yah.
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:04 PM