I Am Understood? - Relient K
Well number 20 is Relient K with I am Understood. This song is relient K genius. Off the album Two lefts dont make a right, but three do, Matt Thiessen - Lead singer, sings a song of life and reality. Relient K are one of those bands that i can relate too alot. Thiessen is so real, he speaks his heart. This song has been played 55 times, which isnt really much at all. It will always be a classic, Relient K are Pop punk to a tee. There style is like no other, from their stupid american jokes to lullabies of life and truth. mmhmm and Two lefts are brilliant albums. I recommend them to anyone.
Well number 20 is Relient K with I am Understood. This song is relient K genius. Off the album Two lefts dont make a right, but three do, Matt Thiessen - Lead singer, sings a song of life and reality. Relient K are one of those bands that i can relate too alot. Thiessen is so real, he speaks his heart. This song has been played 55 times, which isnt really much at all. It will always be a classic, Relient K are Pop punk to a tee. There style is like no other, from their stupid american jokes to lullabies of life and truth. mmhmm and Two lefts are brilliant albums. I recommend them to anyone.
So is this list regarding the ones with the most meaning, the ones that have lasted longest time in your favourites, or those that hit the spot?
You should also do a list of ur top 20 artists and top 20 albums...
The combinations are endless!
Yup this is one of my RK favourites by far, along with Getting Into You. Its funny, I like Mmhmm better than Two Lefts, but my favourite songs are in 2 lefts...
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:11 PM
Haha just re-read ur post...
lol just ignore that question
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:14 PM
Tis a good song, not a top 20 for me.. but hey we're all different. probably not in the top 5 rk songs either. im lookin forward to seein them though i can probably guess #1 hehe
Posted by
Anonymous |
10:53 PM