i get this feeling sometimes that after the world ends, when God destroys all our buildings and all our flags, we will wish we had seen everybody as equal, that we had eaten dinner with prostitutes, held them in our arms, opened up spare rooms for them and loved them and learned from them. i was just a stupid child in the flow, you know; i didnt know any of these things. i didnt know that it didnt matter what a person looked like, how much money they made or whether or not they were cool. I didnt know that cool was a myth and that one person was just as beautiful and meaningful as another. Not all of us are as smart as aliens, you know. Not all of us run around naked like adam and eve. You can hardly fault me for this stuff can you? Like i said, it felt important to climb the social ladder, it felt important to defend our indentities; it felt as though we were saving our own lives.
- donald miller
- donald miller
Im intrigued...Donald Miller...who is he? What has he written?
Seen a few quotes of his around the place n I liking lots from what Ive read...interesting. mind if i borrow sometime? :)
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Anonymous |
10:41 PM